Open Editor
const db = await Deno.openKv();

// Hourly cron job to write weather data time series to Deno KV
Deno.cron("Write weather data to Deno KV", "0 * * * *", async () => {
  console.log("Pull weather data and set to Deno KV");
  const res = await fetch(',precipitation&timezone=America%2FLos_Angeles');
  const body = await res.json();
  const date = new Date(;
  await db.set(["weather", date], {
      temperature: body.hourly.temperature_2m[0],
      precipitation: body.hourly.precipitation[0]

// HTTP server to get the weather data time series
Deno.serve(async (_req) => {
  const entries = db.list({ prefix: ["weather"] });
  let responseString = "";
  for await (const entry of entries) {
    responseString += `${entry.key[1]}: ${entry.value.temperature}°C with ${entry.value.precipitation}mm precipitation\n`;
  return new Response(responseString);